This dress was for my knees, i hope she like it ...
Pattern :
Stripe Pattern Work in sc, changing colors as follows: 2 rows pink, 5 rows green , 2 rows pink, 5 rows Green. With green and smaller hook, ch 24. Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across ( 23 sc).
Right Leg
Ch 1, turn; sc in each sc across.
Change to larger hook and continue in sc inc 1 st each end every other row 4 times ( 31 sc) . Work sc all around until leg measures 2½ inches from beg.
Break off yarn. Work it again for the left leg .
Ch 1, turn; sc across Left Leg; sc across Right Leg ( 62 sc).
Join Legs:
Shape Crotch:
Row 1 Work 29 sc, (sc2tog) twice, work 29 sc.
Row 2 Work 28 sc, (sc2tog) twice, work 28 sc.
Row 3 Work 27 sc, (2sctog) twice, work 27 sc (56 sc). Work even until back measures 4 inches from beg, ending with a WS row.
Work Stripe Pattern 3½ times (ending 2rows pink), then cont in green only. AT SAME TIME, shape Body by dec 1 st each end, every 10th row, 4 times (48 sc).
Work until Back measures 11½ inches from beg,
Shape Armholes Slip st over 3 sts, work across to last 3 sts. Ch 1, turn; dec 1 st at beg and end of every row 5 times (32 sc).
Work sc all around until Armhole measures 3 inches. Work 10 sc; ch 1, turn; sc2tog, work rem of row. At Neck edge, dec 1 st every row 3 more times ( 6 sc).
Shape Neck
Work sc all around until piece measures 3 inches from beg of Neck Shaping.
Shape Shoulder Tabs Dec 1 sc at beg and end of every other row 1 time. Fasten off.
Skip center 12 sc. Join the green with a slip st in next st. Shape other side in same way. Work same as Back until Neck Shaping is complete, then work 1½ inches of a sc .
Buttonholes Work 2 sc, ch 2, skip 2 sc, work 2 sc.
Next row Work 1 row even. Shape shoulder tabs as for back. With RS tog, sew Front to Back at side seams and Crotch
Ruffle With pink, larger hook, and holding top of garment toward you; work 1 sc in each sc of first Stripe Pattern row (110 sc).
Rnd 1: Work sc all around, place marker for beg of rnd.
Rnd 2: *Sc in first sc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * around ( 165 sc).
Rnd 3: *Sc in each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc; rep from * around ( 220 sc).
Rnds 4-10: Work sc all around.
Fasten off. Attach buttons.
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